Monday, November 5, 2012

A Vintage Season

I am just home from the most wonderful fall day
where a group of godly women gathered to share their
tiny vintage trailers, and love of all things vintage.

Held in the foothills, it was a crisp
morning that warmed into the perfect day.

We were shopkeepers with vintage, retro, shabby,
chippy lovliness. We traded, shopped each others finds,
and sold to people who share the same excitement for
vintage and repurposed treasures.

We made new friends and established friendships
which had previously been through blogging and facebook.

It is not by accident that God places people in our lives
and today I am thanking my heavenly father for the
blessing of these women.

*For Sherry, who has style I can only dream of and who has
become my lovely friend "for real".

*For Julia, Staci, Maran, Joyce and Nancy who are my new
friends. All kindred spirits with the sweetest of souls.

*For Caitlin who shares my sense of adventure
 for all things vintage. She spends her Saturdays with me
scouring through yard sales and picking up great finds
from the city wide clean up piles. Sounds glorious doesn't it?
She makes my son (and me) smile!

*For my Grandaughter Katie who never complained and spent
the entire day with Grandma Jean who was so busy we
couldn't play cards.

*For my hubby Pat who tolerates my collecting of junk,
helps me paint, puts furniture back together
when its falling apart, loads the truck and trailer and
hauls my wares to these days that delight my soul.




  1. {{{{{. hug .}}}}}

    ♥'d spending the day with you!

  2. Where was your "retreat" held? Myself, my Sister and Sister-in-Law all three have vintage trailers. They live in Sacramento area..would love to connect with other Amazing Godly women and "glamp"
